Água mole em pedra dura...
O Réptil Rumsfeld
Mais um mentiroso
Lá anda este seguidor de Goebbels a vender a "banha da cobra" ,que em 1983 vendeu o carregamento de armas biológicas e químicas a Saddam Hussein, durante a administração Reagen-Bush ( as tais dos Curdos) e era membro do consórcio europeu ABB que vendeu a tecnologia nuclear à Coreia do Norte! Brilhante, réptil!
A personalidade do "annus horribilis" eleita pela Time
GW Bush
Esta revista pertence ao grupo dos lambe-botas perigosos que nos querem fazer crer nas noticias que escrevem são as verdadeiras! Jamais ... Vade Reto!
O Iraque livre de Mr Bush II
Retirado do site da Aljazeera.net:
"US soldiers have killed an Iraqi woman at a checkpoint in Kirkuk after the driver allegedly failed to stop as US contractors came under attack in Baiji."
O culpado: Mr Bush!
"US soldiers have killed an Iraqi woman at a checkpoint in Kirkuk after the driver allegedly failed to stop as US contractors came under attack in Baiji."
O culpado: Mr Bush!
Lista de prendas de um Iraquiano
Ok- what is the typical Iraqi Christmas wishlist (I won't list 'peace', 'security' and 'freedom' - Christmas miracles are exclusive to Charles Dickens), let's see:
1. 20 liters of gasoline
2. A cylinder of gas for cooking
3. Kerosene for the heaters
4. Those expensive blast-proof windows
5. Landmine detectors
6. Running water
7. Thuraya satellite phones (the mobile phone services are really, really bad of late)
8. Portable diesel generators (for the whole family to enjoy!)
9. Coleman rechargeable flashlight with extra batteries (you can never go wrong with a fancy flashlight)
10. Scented candles (it shows you care- but you're also practical)
Thank You Mr Bush!
1. 20 liters of gasoline
2. A cylinder of gas for cooking
3. Kerosene for the heaters
4. Those expensive blast-proof windows
5. Landmine detectors
6. Running water
7. Thuraya satellite phones (the mobile phone services are really, really bad of late)
8. Portable diesel generators (for the whole family to enjoy!)
9. Coleman rechargeable flashlight with extra batteries (you can never go wrong with a fancy flashlight)
10. Scented candles (it shows you care- but you're also practical)
Thank You Mr Bush!
O Iraque "livre" de Mr Bush!
Retirado do blog Baghdad Burning :
"Oh don't get me wrong- the governmental people have gasoline (they have special gas stations where there aren't all these annoying people, rubbing their hands with cold and cursing the Americans to the skies)... The Americans have gasoline. The militias get gasoline. It's the people who don't have it. We can sometimes get black-market gasoline but the liter costs around 1250 Iraqi Dinars which is almost $1- compare this to the old price of around 5 cents. It costs almost 50,000 Iraqi Dinars to fill up the generator so that it works for a few hours and then the cost isn't so much the problem as just getting decent gasoline is. So we have to do without electricity most of the day."
"Oh don't get me wrong- the governmental people have gasoline (they have special gas stations where there aren't all these annoying people, rubbing their hands with cold and cursing the Americans to the skies)... The Americans have gasoline. The militias get gasoline. It's the people who don't have it. We can sometimes get black-market gasoline but the liter costs around 1250 Iraqi Dinars which is almost $1- compare this to the old price of around 5 cents. It costs almost 50,000 Iraqi Dinars to fill up the generator so that it works for a few hours and then the cost isn't so much the problem as just getting decent gasoline is. So we have to do without electricity most of the day."
1 de Dezembro de 1640
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