1. The government's assertion that the so-called hijackers operated without being detected by official surveillance is UNTENABLE, and evidence is strong that the alleged hijackers acted in coordination with a faction within the government itself. The hijackers were therefore in all probability expendable double-agents or, more bluntly, patsies.
2. The government's assertion that the four supposedly hijacked airliners were taken over and piloted by the four accused hijackers identified by the FBI, IS AT OR BEYOND THE LIMITS OF PHYSICAL AND TECHNICAL REALITY. The planes were in all probability guided to their targets by some form of remote access or remote control.
3. The government's assertion that the failures of air defense were caused by the fog of war is LAME AND ABSURD. Air defense was in all probability sabotaged by moles operating inside the governmet.
4. The government's assertion that a Boeing 757-200 hit the Pentagon is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. Some other type of flying object, possibly a cruise missile, must therefore be considered.
5. The government's assertion that the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center collapsed as a result of the impact of aircraft and the subsequent fire is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. The fall of the towers cannot be explained without the hypothesis of controlled demolition of some form, possibly including unconventional methods employing new physical principles.
6. The government's assertion that World Trade Center 7 collapsed at 5:20pm EDT on September 11 purely as a result of fire is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. The collapse of WTC 7 is coherent with controlled demolition of the conventional type.
7. The government's assertion that United Flight 93 crashed because of actions by the hijackers or because of a struggle in the cockpit is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE, given the pattern in which the wreckage was distributed. All evidence points towards the hypothesis that United 93 was shot own by US military aircraft.
8. The government's refusal to investigate insider trading in American Airlines and United Airlines put options, the wholesale seizure and destruction of evidence, the systematic intimidation of witnesses by the FBI, and a series of other incidents point unmistakably to an attempted COVER UP on the part of the entire US government and establishment.
Webster Tarpley
9/11 Synthetic Terror - made in USA - pp. 309-310
Progressive Press - 2005
ISBN 0-930852-31-1