Água mole em pedra dura...


Falta 1 dia

1 dia...

Josef Ackermann of Deutsche Bank
Jorma Ollila of Nokia;
Richard Perle, the former Pentagon adviser;
Vernon Jordan, the confidant of former US president Bill Clinton;
Jürgen Schrempp of DaimlerChrysler;
Peter Sutherland of Goldman Sachs International;
Daniel Vasella of Novartis;
James Wolfensohn of the World Bank.
Alan Greenspan, US Federal Reserve chairman
Donald Rumsfeld, US secretary of defence
Henry Kissinger
David Rockefeller
Participantes Portugueses em 2004 :
Santana Lopes (ex-primeiro-ministro)
Ferro Rodrigues( ex-possível p.m.)
José Sócrates(p.m.)

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